Daily Archives: -05002007-11-26T22:52:30-05:00302007b-05:00Mon, 26 Nov 2007 22:52:30 -0500 22, 2007

Really Good Grief

It’s about that time of the year when people start saying “it’s about that time of the year.” Often times this phrase is used as a cheap segue for people to start talking about the holiday spirit, family, love and other abstract ideas described as “fuzzy.” Thankfully, however, in this post I hope to infuse this phrase with a more indie, “cheap, but good” feel by presenting you my 3 best gift ideas for the music-lover in your life.

1. Saul Williams’ The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust!. Get your favorite alternative hip-hop fan a gift to remember this season. Fill their e-stocking with this pretty sick digital album produced by Williams’ buddy Trent Reznor. Best Part: Available free for digital download at saulwilliams.com.

2. Holiday Mixtape. Weezer, Twisted Sister, and even Mr. Hankey from South Park have tried their hand at producing the Christmas album to end them all, but I’ve got a feeling that you…yeah, you, have got what it takes. Even if you choose not to go for the warm, “fuzzy” sound of vintage audio cassettes, give your friends and family an album packed with modern holiday classics like “Dick in a Box.” Best Part: Available pre-made in that shoebox under your bed, under your vehicle’s passenger seat, or under all those other mixtapes you’re gonna sell on eBay when the digital music bubble bursts.

3. Really good alcohol. Simply because music is best enjoyed drinking with your buddies! Best Part: [insert college memories]

Monday, November 26 is for topping off

Bedouin Soundclash
Matt & Emily – Get a special listen to BTR’s Artist of the Week, Bedouin Soundclash, and additional tracks from Dub Trio, Polyphonic Spree, Valley of Giants and a few others. DJs Matt & Emily re-cap the Thanksgiving weekend, so sit back and reminisce before everything becomes just memories.

DJ Wynn BTR – DJ Wynn’s got the music to detox to. Do not let the holidays clog your brain when there’s plenty of s*** to do before Christmas. Get back in the groove with Manu Chao, Miracle Fortress, The Brownies, The New Pornographers, Bedouin Soundclash, Illinois, and plenty more.

The Darkside – DJ Darkside breaks two new artists in today’s show. Enemy of Myself and House Made of Dawn show what it takes to make it on The Darkside in their first BTR appearance. And be sure to listen for tracks from Frozen Tears, Immortal Dominion, Emplates Vengeance, Svolk, Mind and more..

10 Degrees in Memphis – For this year’s last edition, DJ Rachelandthecity counts down her 10 favorite tracks of the year to make it out of Memphis. Oh No! Oh My!, Amy Lavere, Antenna Shoes, Giant Bear, and 6 others make the list this year’s best reasons to make 4th graders study geography.

BTR’s Loud Fast Rules – DJ Bryan brings you the first edition of BTR’s new Loud Fast Rules. With the best punk rock to ever embody angst, the show examines all punk from even a quarter century ago. The Adverts, The Avengers, The Germs, The Undertones, The Vibrators, and several more punk rockers kick your teeth in for a healthful start to your week…no other reason.

BTR Top 10 – DJ Jeff K wastes no time bringing the rundown of the last week’s top ten tracks. The Jonestown Massacre, Ra Ra Riot, Taken by Trees, Apostle of Hustle, and 6 others establish their harmonious dominance as the top spot goes to none other than…